Renate Möller - Empire and Biedermeier Furniture

Empire and Biedermeier Furniture - For Years a Hit and a Classic on the Antiques Market

Among the most modern and exciting furniture you can buy today is Empire and Biedermeier furniture from the first half of the century before last!
Here you will find the dewy pioneering spirit of the first modern furniture, where artistic conception and craftsmanship combine to create absolutely timeless masterpieces of furniture art that have never been equalled in this class: simple, exemplary in craftsmanship, comfortable, ornamentally restrained and yet not purist.

In this book you will find:
-a pointed selection of pictures with approx. 240 colour illustrations showing the whole range of Empire and Biedermeier furniture: from the simple and inexpensive side table to the extravagant and expensive ostentatious secretary
-compact and clear introduction to the subject
-material science, information on originals, replicas and fakes
-basic information on care and restoration
-Trends and market situation
-current market prices

ISBN 3422064656

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